💭 .. this carrd is best viewed on mobile devices!

ART dewed every fiber of her being! — the blinding flash of the maiden’s camera fills the VOID within her heart and soul.

loading . . . @softdews’ files.
do you want to log in?
yes? NO?

BYF / Writer’s notes . .

please read this carrd thoroughly to ensure both of our safety & comfort!you fit the basic dni criteria. apolitical. bigot. condones disrespectful jokes because it’s “just dark/offensive humor”.


(1) mun is of age (19) and will provide proof only if necessary. do understand that it is still confidential information and the mun is not that comfy sharing their id with just anyone. as this is stated, i will NEVER entertain romantic and sexual advances from minors and 24+, so please refrain from doing so. i do not interact with minors who post sexual stuff as well.

(2) the account is marked as NSFW for use of profanities and potential heavy/dark themes. aside from that, it is mostly safe for work. sexual plots will only be entertained with saeko and naomi’s partner and only through DMs. tone tags and proper cw/tw will be used, but should you find anything that makes you uncomfy, don’t hesitate to softblock or unfollow– put your safety and comfort first before anything else!

(3) timezone is GMT-6. strictly in character and will not answer to ooc questions unless needed. way of plotting’s mostly mirrored and semi-lit or desc lit. depending on who i’m plotting with, i will write in english, filipino, and taglish (a mix of both). though, those are the main languages i’ll be using outside of plots. i’m down to plot and establish relationships whenever i’m free, however, i do not feel comfortable with people who demand fast replies/act entitled so do not interact if you are this type of person.

(4) due to being busy outside of rpw, these muses will be more interactive in tl than dms. expect sporadic responses to messages. however, if it’s important, feel free to notify me so i could answer right away!

(5) singleship. can be multiverse but main au would be the current au (photographer! au). as i have stated, i am strictly interacting with people in character. meaning, saeko and naomi will be portrayed in the way they are meant to be in words, actions, etc. they do not reflect the mun’s beliefs & emotions/feelings.

(6) should there be any problems you’d like to address about my tweets and the way i portray my muses, please feel free to do so through DMs. i am always willing to acknowledge and reflect on my mistakes, be educated, and learn + grow from them. thank you!

(a)bout (f)iles (n)otes


open > SAEKO’s file

name: saeko mizuki
nicknames: sae, sami
age: twenty-four
birthday: dec 30, 1996
zodiac: capricorn
pronouns: she/her
orientation: bisexual
role: switch (sub+)
hair color: frequently dyes hair, but is often seen with brown, blonde or orange hair
eye color: dark brown

photography, music, perfumes, candles, matcha, roadtrips

unnecessary drama, thunder, loud noises, spiders

saeko’s often described as ‘the human sunshine’ for her cheerful and empathic nature. she’s never afraid to express how she feels, let alone give anyone a warm welcome regardless of who they are. passion rules her world, which is why she works hard in building a reputation within the photography industry.


open > NAOMI’s file

photography, music, beaches, mint choco, plushies, dainty accessories

unnecessary drama, heights, narrow spaces, roller coasters

spontaneous and strong-willed; naomi is the embodiment of a wild paradox. a social butterfly who likes to keep her life private, she’s not one to trust others easily. yet, her heart’s as soft as it can be towards others as she could open it to those who she deems worthy.

name: naomi mizuki
nicknames: mimi, nami
age: twenty-five
birthday: sept 29, 1995
zodiac: virgo
pronouns: she/her
orientation: bisexual
role: switch (sub+)
hair color: dyes hair often, but sticks to brown/black colors
eye color: black


open > secret file ⚠️

SAEKO & NAOMI were always the odd ones out. during their time in the foster home, every child found solace and love in the arms of their adoptive parents– something they never had. everyone but them.

”why are we always left behind?”

the two would ask each other, even bothered those around them to get some answers. but they never did. the agony, the void, the curiosity– it went on for years! unanswered questions leaving scars on their hearts, messing with their once youthful minds.

...until the Mizukis found them and gave them a new home.

”finally, we get to be like those children we longed to be for years.”

finally, they can heal and forget about the agony and emptiness in their souls. or could they, really?

turns out that it’s still there, somewhere, within their souls. something that they desperately want to get rid of... because why wouldn’t they when they already have what they’ve yearned for? the siblings did everything that they could to save themselves from the hellhole they seem to be stuck in– and that’s when they found PHOTOGRAPHY.

through the lenses, they can only see the beauty amidst the reality. and that’s what fills the void. beauty.